Explore software engineering case studies from companies with similar challenges to yours

Engineering Team Extension & Technology Research
The challenge involved creating an intuitive and secure onboarding platform on which Finoa and its clients can rely, conforming to all rules and regulations required for banking institutions. Throughout the discovery and development processes, we connected with the client to understand the hows and the whys so that we could build a product that made sense for their domain and aligned with their methodologies. In the end, our partners and we have learned what it takes to make a project like this stand out and bring us new opportunities.

Systems Engineering, Mobile App Development & Blockchain Development
The Liquidity Direction Protocol: The building blocks behind how we generate yield and provide a range of decentralised financial services such as streaming money, dollar cost averaging and yield farming. Governance: How we use vote results from snapshot.org in a decentralised manner to then execute the results fully on-chain to be fully transparent with how funds are handled and how parameters are set. Alluo Exchange: The smart contract that our other contracts use to swap between different tokens. Mobile App: A decentralised application that helps users buy/sell stablecoins and communicates with Alluo smart contracts to start earning money.
locationDeFi Yield Farming

Blockchain Development
As an inaugural launch partner on Agoric, we have successfully fulfilled three bounties: a Liquidity Pool, Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) Liquidity Mining, and Automated Market Maker (AMM) Stop Loss. We are currently in the process of developing a fourth bounty, which is designed to enhance our pool-based lending protocol.
locationLevel 1 Blockchain

Blockchain Development
We have developed a suite of smart-contract ecosystem prototypes, each specialising in three pivotal domains: Tokenomics, NFTs/Token-gated access, and Parametric Insurance. Each prototype encapsulates the fundamental functionality relevant to its focus area, all the while ensuring a user-friendly interface. Besides providing comprehensive educational resources, these templates establish a vibrant environment that showcases the distinctive features and robust capabilities of the network.
locationTravel, Hospitality

Engineering Team Extension
Implementation of risk & decision-making automation processes with the end goal of reducing the time spent for a decision to be made coupled with high accuracy, towards aiding SMEs obtaining faster and cheaper loans.

Engineering Team Extension
Our engineering team helped FutureFit AI build an innovative and elegant form builder with a friendly user experience that is easy to understand, create and fill. Using developed functions, the admin user can create a form with multiple questions and assign it to a specific end user to collect their answers in the most efficient way.
locationBig Data, HR
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